Source code for openapi.utils

import os
from dataclasses import is_dataclass
from inspect import isclass
from typing import (

from .exc import InvalidTypeException
from .types import Record

def get_origin(value: Any) -> Any:
    return getattr(value, "__origin__", None)

LOCAL = "local"
DEV = "dev"
PRODUCTION = "production"
NO_DEBUG = {"0", "false", "no"}
Null = object()
# this should be Union[type, "TypingInfo"] but recursive types are not supported in mypy
ElementType = Any

def get_args(value, defaults):
    return getattr(value, "__args__", None) or defaults

KT, VT = get_args(Dict, (TypeVar("KT"), TypeVar("VT")))
(T,) = get_args(List, (TypeVar("T"),))

[docs]class TypingInfo(NamedTuple): """Information about a type annotation""" element: ElementType container: Optional[type] = None @property def is_dataclass(self) -> bool: """True if :attr:`.element` is a dataclass""" return not self.container and is_dataclass(self.element) @property def is_union(self) -> bool: """True if :attr:`.element` is a union of typing info""" return isinstance(self.element, tuple) @property def is_complex(self) -> bool: """True if :attr:`.element` is either a dataclass or a union""" return self.container is not None or self.is_union @property def is_none(self) -> bool: """True if :attr:`.element` is either a dataclass or a union""" return self.element is type(None) # noqa: E721
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, value: Any) -> Optional["TypingInfo"]: """Create a :class:`.TypingInfo` from a typing annotation or another typing info :param value: typing annotation """ if value is None or isinstance(value, cls): return value origin = get_origin(value) if not origin: if value is Any or isclass(value): return cls(value) else: raise InvalidTypeException( f"a class or typing annotation is required, got {value}" ) elif origin is list: (val,) = get_args(value, (T,)) if val is T: val = Any elem_info = cast(TypingInfo, cls.get(val)) elem = elem_info if elem_info.is_complex else elem_info.element return cls(elem, list) elif origin is dict: key, val = get_args(value, (KT, VT)) if key is KT: key = str if val is VT: val = Any if key is not str: raise InvalidTypeException( f"Dict key annotation must be a string, got {key}" ) elem_info = cast(TypingInfo, cls.get(val)) elem = elem_info if elem_info.is_complex else elem_info.element return cls(elem, dict) elif origin is Union: elem = tuple(cls.get(val) for val in value.__args__) return cls(elem) else: raise InvalidTypeException( f"Types or List and Dict typing is required, got {value}" )
def get_env() -> str: return os.environ.get("PYTHON_ENV") or PRODUCTION def get_debug_flag() -> bool: val = os.environ.get("DEBUG") if not val: return get_env() == LOCAL return val.lower() not in NO_DEBUG def compact(**kwargs) -> Dict: return {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v} def compact_dict(kwargs: Dict) -> Dict: return {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} def replace_key(kwargs: Dict, from_key: Hashable, to_key: Hashable) -> Dict: value = kwargs.pop(from_key, Null) if value is not Null: kwargs[to_key] = value return kwargs def iter_items(data: Iterable) -> Iterator: if isinstance(data, Record): data = data._asdict() if isinstance(data, Mapping): return iter(data.items()) return iter(data) def is_subclass(value: Any, Type: type) -> bool: origin = getattr(value, "__origin__", None) or value return isclass(origin) and issubclass(origin, Type) def as_list(errors: Iterable) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: return [ {"field": field, "message": message} for field, message in iter_items(errors) ] def error_dict(errors: List) -> Dict: return dict(((d["field"], d["message"]) for d in errors)) TRUE_VALUES = frozenset(("yes", "true", "t", "1")) def str2bool(v: Union[str, bool, int]): return str(v).lower() in TRUE_VALUES def docjoin(iterable: Iterable) -> str: return ", ".join(f"``{v}``" for v in iterable)