.. _aio-openapi-env: ====================== Environment Variables ====================== Several environment variables can be configured at application level * **DATASTORE** Connection string for postgresql database * **BAD_DATA_MESSAGE** (Invalid data format), message displayed when data is not in valid format (not JSON for example) * **ERROR_500_MESSSAGE** (Internal Server Error), message displayed when things go wrong * **DBPOOL_MAX_SIZE** (10), maximum number of connections in postgres connection pool * **DBECHO**, if set to `true` or `yes` it will use `echo=True` when setting up sqlalchemy engine * **MICRO_SERVICE_PORT** (8080), default port when running the `serve` command * **MICRO_SERVICE_HOST** (, default host when running the `serve` command * **MAX_PAGINATION_LIMIT** (100), maximum number of objects displayed at once * **DEF_PAGINATION_LIMIT** (50), default value of pagination * **SPEC_ROUTE** (/spec), path of OpenAPI spec doc (JSON)